
Sun Shines on Meadow Farm Open House 3/16/24

Guests and volunteers discuss Routes while the sun heats up some quinoa, one of the foods which can grow on Ten Mile Isle.

Rick shows how to use paper maps and a compass to navigate without electricity.

Scott and Tracy think through possible future scenarios involving resource exchange.

Sojourna Lee, a retired nurse, shows Meadow Farm’s First Aid Station, which has a new custom care table and re-stocked supply cabinet thanks in part to a grant from Community Foundation of Mendocino County.

After the guests depart, Hubs & Routes volunteers pause for a photo partway through cleanup time.

This article and photo in the local paper brought us as many guests as the parking areas could hold, plus a few who arrived on foot trails through the woods!

Smiling neighbors

John shows neighbors the new office space, complete with ham radio and a computer that can use our website to match needs and resources.