


Evacuation routes are determined by the Sheriff and/or local Fire Chiefs. Please follow their orders! They have last-minute information that we don’t have.

Our maps show “Alternate Routes,” meaning ways of traveling in the area of the Mendocino Coast when parts or all of Highway One are not passable. Many of these Alternate Routes would not make good evacuation routes. However, they might be good enough for a small group of very fit individuals to use in helping bring resources to people or helping re-unite families.

Our maps also show the best routes we could find for leaving Tsunami High-Risk Zones. If you feel shaking when in a beach or other low-lying area, please leave your vehicle behind and walk fast to higher ground.

(2) Hubs and Routes maps are not completely reliable.

No puede ser.

We are in a time of rapid changes in weather, which affect road and trail conditions. We have landowners who may change their minds about whether or not to permit people to use routes that cross their privately-owned lands.

This means that we are not able to offer a warranty of any kind.

If you use our maps or any excerpts of the information they contain, please use them in conjunction with your senses, with official warnings and advisories, with attempts to communicate directly with landowners, and with your best thinking. We are sharing the information to help you deal with emergencies, which are hazardous in themselves.

Neither Hubs & Routes as a project of Social Good Fund, nor its founders, volunteers, advisors, grantors nor employees, will be held responsible for any injuries, deaths, illnesses, losses, damages, suffering, or disappointments resulting from use of the tools of, or other participation in, Hubs & Routes, which is a non-profit public service project offering tools to enhance the survival and thriving of communities on the Mendocino Coast through the challenging times ahead.